Workshop helps foster carers prepare young people for independent living

Workshop helps foster carers prepare young people for independent living

Posted 15th June 2023

Foster carers in Warwickshire recently learned more about a county project to help young people leaving care learn the skills they need to live independently.

The annual Warwickshire Foster Carers Conference in May 2023 featured a Q&A workshop from the Warwickshire House Project to introduce the scheme and explain how the project works with young people.

The House Project was set up in Warwickshire in 2018 and since then has worked with 49 care leavers. The team work very closely with youngsters moving out of care to help them identify the learning and support they need to move into their own homes and become independent and responsible adults.

The project offers continues support to care leavers in their own homes encouraging them to maintain and sustain their tenancies by developing a community of support around them. Support includes advice about education, employment, training and they are taught skills such as learning to cook a variety of meals, managing budgets through financial training, and help around maintaining their home.

Warwickshire care leavers aged 16 or over can be referred, by their social worker or foster carer, to the House Project for support and advice to move into their own homes.

Councillor Sue Markham, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families, said “The Q&A workshop from the Warwickshire House Project team was a great way for our foster carers to learn about the wider help and support on offer to our young people when they are ready to leave care.

“Our foster carers play an important role in our community, looking after our children in care and giving them support as they grow up. Understanding the work of the House Project allows them to help young people prepare for the next step in their lives and move forward with dedicated support towards independent futures.

“We want Warwickshire to be the best it can be for our care leavers, offering a great place for them to live, learn and grow. The work of Warwickshire House Project supports our Child Friendly Warwickshire initiative and the team work hard to ensure care leavers’ voices are heard, they are engaged in all aspects of their lives, and they are empowered to reach their full potential.”

The conference brought together Warwickshire foster carers and featured a range of sessions by Warwickshire County Council fostering partners. The conference highlighting the community of support and training available for people who foster with Warwickshire.


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Find out more about Child Friendly Warwickshire, visit

To find out more about fostering with Warwickshire, visit

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