Warwickshire care leavers share their journey into their new homes

Warwickshire care leavers share their journey into their new homes

Posted 10th June 2022

Commissioned by Warwickshire County Council, The Warwickshire House Project supports young people leaving care move into their own homes and live independently.

The House Project team work very closely with young care leavers to identify the learning and support they need to move out of care and into their new home. This home then becomes a base for them to become independent and transition into adulthood.

Young people are encouraged to maintain and sustain their tenancies by developing a community of support around them. The team have supported young people into education, employment, and training as well as helping them to learn to cook a variety of meals, manage budgets by providing financial training and providing advice and support on maintaining their home.

The latest set of young care leavers recently moved into their new homes around the county. Here’s what they have to say about the experience:

“I feel quite chuffed with moving into my new home, it all went smoothly and it’s going well so far. I am the most excited about having my independence back because I’m now able to set my own boundaries. The House Project has helped me with my bills and helped me furnish my home. They are also helping me with finding jobs and helping with interview preparation by taking a group of us to Suited and Booted. The best part of working with the House Project is being the representative as it means that I can share other young people’s views with the National House Project.”

“I feel excited to be moving into my new home and it’s a challenge to live independently which makes me nervous, but I think it will do me good for the future. I’m looking forward to learning new skills and doing things off my own back. I’m also excited to decorate and organise my home the way I want it to be. The House Project has helped me by teaching me independence skills and how to cope living on my own, as well as helping with finding my flat. My favourite part of working with the House Project is meeting new people who are in the same boat as me and have gone through similar things and making new friends.”

“I felt nervous and excited to be moving into my new home. I was also the most excited about having the independence and being able to prove that I was able to live by myself. The House Project are there whenever I need them, they are only a phone call away. They offer their support when they can such as helping me with moving in. The House Project has given me many opportunities such as being able to attend the Queen’s Garden Party. My favourite part of working with the House Project is being able to learn new things and meeting new people.”


“I’m excited to be moving into my new home and to be living with my brother. I’m also looking forward to having my own space and having my friends be able to come round. The House Project has been really helpful with supporting me to become independent. The best part of working with them is being able to meet new people and make new friends.”

“I’m happy to be moving into my new home as it means I’m able to have my own space. I was most excited about having a space to enjoy my hobbies such as gaming. The House Project has supported me with finding my new home. My favourite part of working with the House Project is making memories with the other young people and the staff.”

“I feel ready to move into my new home and feel ready to be independent. I’m looking forward to doing everything myself and excited to move in with my sister. The House Project has helped me with getting furniture for my house and teaching independence skills and generally offering support. Working with the House Project is fun because you get to socialise with people your own age and do the work at the same time.”

“I feel excited and a little nervous about moving in, but I have a positive attitude towards it. I’m most excited about having my own space and having more freedom, I’m also looking forward to having my family over for dinner. The House Project has helped me by teaching me life skills and how to be more independent. My favourite part of the House Project is socialising and having time every week to meet up with everyone here.”

“I was really happy to move into a house, so I had more space. I was most excited about decorating and being able to do what I wanted and make changes with the house. The House Project has supported me with issues I have had with the house, helped me with buying furniture and moving in and they are there if I ever need a chat. My favourite memory of working with the House Project is when we were trying to fit a double mattress into a small car!”

“I feel excited to move into my new home, it’s going to be a good opportunity. I’m also excited to be fully independent and not having anybody to fall back on. The House Project has supported me with everything, and I know they will always be there to offer support. My favourite part of working with the House Project is working together with everyone like a team and getting along with everyone. It’s also helped me gain confidence and get out of my shell.”


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