The Warwickshire House Project goes from strength to strength to support young people leaving care to live independently

The Warwickshire House Project goes from strength to strength to support young people leaving care to live independently

Posted 27th September 2022

The Warwickshire House Project has received positive feedback in its annual review for 2021/22, completed by the National House Project. The report illustrates the comprehensive support provided to care leavers in the county as well as plans to develop the project in the future.

Commissioned by Warwickshire County Council, The Warwickshire House Project works closely with care leavers to identify the learning and support they need to move out of care and into their new home. This home then becomes a base for them to become independent and transition into adulthood. The project is currently supporting its fifth group of young care leavers who joined at the beginning of September.

As part of the project, young people are encouraged to maintain and sustain their tenancies by developing a community of support around them. They are supported into education, employment, and training and they are taught skills such as learning to cook a variety of meals, managing budgets by providing financial training, and advice and support on maintaining their home.

The report said: “…it is great to see young people coming together and dropping in to spend time with the staff. It is evident that young people have a real sense of ownership of their base.”

The report also noted that the “young people clearly love coming together, eating together and making plans for the project and their future.”

Some of the activities that have taken place over the last year include picnics in the park, trips to theme parks and a group down to London to meet with Suited and Booted – a charity helping people find the perfect outfit for job interviews so they can make a great first impression to potential employers.

A young care leaver said: “I was so happy when I got the opportunity to go to Suited & Booted. I love nice quality clothes; they make me feel good about myself. I left Suited & Booted with other young people from my House Project feeling confident, smart, and ready to take on the world.”

Warwickshire House Project is a community, and young people who have settled into independent living are empowered to support other care leavers on their journeys into their own home. The project has an exciting future and is expanding from the north of the county and will soon cover South Warwickshire too.

In the past four years, the project team have built strong relationships with all the young people they support which includes hosting weekly drop-in sessions to see the team, catch up and receive any support and guidance that they may require.

Councillor Jeff Morgan, portfolio holder for Children and Families said: “It’s been wonderful to see the Warwickshire House Project going from strength to strength over the last few years.

“The team are dedicated to ensuring our young care leavers in Warwickshire have a brighter future by supporting them on their journey to independent living.

“We want Warwickshire to be the best it can be for our care leavers, offering a great place for them to live, learn and grow. The Warwickshire House Project is also a friend of Child Friendly Warwickshire and works hard to ensure care leavers voices are heard, they are engaged in all aspects of their lives, and they are empowered to reach their full potential.”

Learn more about the Warwickshire House Project.

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