The Warwickshire House Project celebrates its five-year anniversary

The Warwickshire House Project celebrates its five-year anniversary

Posted 28th July 2023

The Warwickshire House Project, which has supported care leavers in Warwickshire with the transition to living independently, was joined by many of those young people to celebrate its five-year anniversary.

The Warwickshire House Project was set up in Warwickshire in 2018 and, since then, has worked with 49 care leavers. The team works very closely with young people who are moving out of care to help them identify the learning and support they need in order to move into their own homes and become independent and responsible adults.

The project offers continued support to care leavers in their own homes encouraging them to maintain and sustain their tenancies by developing a community of support around them. Assistance includes advice about education, employment, training and the young people are taught life skills such as learning to cook a variety of meals, managing budgets through financial training, and help around maintaining their home.

The celebration was held at Weston Hall Hotel on Friday 21 July. The House Project had invited all the young care leavers that it has supported over the past five years to celebrate their successes. The evening began with speeches from Matt Smith - Warwickshire House Project Lead, Nigel Minns - Executive Director of People, Sharon Shaw - Head of Corporate Parenting, members of the National House Project and a young care leaver, Kiyia, who is one of the representatives for Warwickshire House Project at the Care Leavers National Movement. Kiyia said in their speech, “It’s great to see young people, staff and partners here, past and present, to celebrate five years of the amazing Warwickshire House Project. I am really proud to be a part of the House Project community.” The young care leavers were able to collect their certificates for completing the House Project Programme at the celebration.

Councillor Sue Markham, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families, said: “It was amazing to see so many young care leavers in attendance and to hear about all the hard work the young care leavers and the Warwickshire House Project have achieved over the past five years. The Warwickshire House Project has grown so much in that time, and I look forward to seeing what they can achieve in the next five years and beyond.

“We want Warwickshire to be the best it can be for our care leavers, offering a great place for them to live, learn and grow. The work of Warwickshire House Project supports our Child Friendly Warwickshire initiative and the team work hard to ensure care leavers’ voices are heard, they are engaged in all aspects of their lives, and they are empowered to reach their full potential.”

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